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Strategic Planning Committee

Strategic Planning Committee

The Center is currently undergoing an expansive strategic planning process that will provide a guiding framework for its development and activities in the coming years. Members of the strategic planning committee are issue area experts in the Center’s three focus areas: educational equity, criminal justice reform, and environmental justice and sustainability. Their expertise and insight will help the Center to define its programs, partnerships, communications, and fundraising goals, and fulfill its mission within Xavier University.



  • Kaneisha Akinpelumi, Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Program, Xavier University
  • Carol Bebelle, Co-Founder, Ashe Cultural Arts Center
  • Aaron Clark-Rizzio, Executive Director, Louisiana Center for Children’s Rights
  • Jessica Dandridge, Executive Director, The Water Collaborative
  • Karen Evans, Executive Director, New Orleans Children and Youth Planning Board
  • Stephanie Grant, Assistant Professor, Xavier University Department of Psychology
  • Peter Martinat, Associate Professor, Xavier University Department of Biology
  • Jacques Morial, Public Policy Strategist and Community Organizer, GreenARMY and Justice and Beyond
  • Keisha Smith, State Director for Louisiana, The Education Trust
  • Will Snowden, Director, Vera Institute of Justice
  • Sharonda Williams, Special Counsel, Fishman Haygood