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Student Academic Success Office


The mission of the Student Academic Success Office (SASO) is to improve retention and graduation rates of Xavier students, particularly by addressing new freshmen students and students who are academically at risk. This is done through academic support and First Year Experience programs. SASO is commissioned to:

  1. design and implement academic programs for improving retention and graduation rates;
  2. provide academic advising to Deciding Majors;
  3. monitor the academic progress of probationary students;
  4. provide academic support through the coordination, enhancement and support of peer tutoring and the academic labs (reading, writing, and mathematics);
  5. engage a system of monitoring and mentoring for the academic progress of new freshman students.

Meet the Staff

Dr. Nathaniel Holmes
Executive Director, Student Academic Success Office.

Dr. Adrian Woods
Director of Academic Programs and Advising

Christy Lagarde-Spears
Associate Director of Academic Programs & Supplemental Instruction

Ms. Raena Coaxum
Professional Academic Advisor

Mr. Kevin McClain
Professional Academic Advisor

Dr. Wendy Gaudin
Director Freshman Seminar

Mrs. Nancy Paes
Administrative Assistant

Chemistry Resource Center Coordinator

Chemistry Resource Center Instructor

Ms. Ebony Blackwell
Biology Resource Center Coordinator

Dr. Frank Ruzicka
Physics Resource Center Coordinator

Math Resource Center Coordinator

Mr. Jose Lozano

Math Resource Center Instructor

Mrs. Leeandra Nolting
Writing Resource Center Coordinator

Ms. Deahn Dennis-Francis
Writing Resource Center Instructor


Student Academic Success Office
St. Joseph Student Academic and Health Center
1 Drexel Drive, Suite 307, Box 164
New Orleans LA 70125
(504) 520-5466