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Chapter 17 - Accessible Classroom/Classrooms Relocation

Although most of Xavier University buildings/classrooms are accessible, and some may still have accessibility challenges. In order to accommodate students with disabilities, ODS may need to assist to relocate class sections into facilities that are more accessible.

Classes may be relocated if the building/class is not physically accessible, does not meet other disability-related needs or travel time between buildings is not sufficient. Students who need additional time to move between buildings may need Priority Registration to accommodate this need. Students should connect with their ODS advisor in situations where avoiding back-to-back courses is beyond the control of the student.


Every term, students who need accessible classroom/classrooms relocation should follow the process below.

  • Before requesting a classroom relocation, please review the accessibility of the building/classroom to determine if space will meet your needs.   
  • Students are encouraged to request classroom relocation accommodations within 48 hours of registering for their classes. Due to the time involved to relocate a class, requests to relocate a classroom should be made at least four (4) weeks prior to the start of the term.
  • If you need one or more of your classes relocated, log into the ODS Online system and request to have the class (es) relocated.
  • Classroom relocation requests made less than (four) 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the term may result in the student not having access to the class until after the start of the term.

If students are concerned a classroom may not meet their needs or have questions about campus accessibility, please contact ODS at 504-520-7607.

It is important to note:

  • ODS will work with the Registrar Office and faculty to find another room that will meet the objectives of the course and instructional requirements of the faculty.
  • Classes with specific health and safety equipment such as ventilation hoods, eye washing stations, etc. may not be possible to relocate.
  • Classes that require specially equipped classrooms or were moving a class would fundamentally alter the nature of a class or program may not be possible to relocate.
  • If a classroom cannot be relocated, ODS will work with the student, faculty member, and the Registrar’s office to determine options and next steps.